Environmental Applications in Risk & Crises Management

Convenors: Nicolas Lewyckyj, Alberto Susini

Risk & Crises Management or further-on Disaster Management often need environmental data stemming from various information systems. Most of the data available having real impact on decision making during a disaster or crises are available in environmental information systems or applications (e.g. monitoring systems for water, air, soil, meteorology, etc). But not only during a crises, also before (preparedness phase) or after (response phase) a crises environmental information is of high importance in order to be better prepared or mitigate the risk of an event.

So papers would be welcomed demonstrating/showing applications, tools for systems taking advantage of environmental information/data in the domain of Risk/Crises/Disaster/Emergency-Management. Also new aspects like the combination of crowdsourcing data, real-time monitoring data and its usage in the Risk & Crises Management domain (for e.g. improved situation awareness) are highly appreciated.